Section 3 - Configuration
Manual Internet Setup
Static (assigned by ISP)
Select Static IP Address if all the Internet port’s IP information is provided to you by your ISP. You will need to enter in the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS address(es) provided to you by your ISP. Each IP address entered in the fields must be in the appropriate IP form, which are four octets separated by a dot (x.x.x.x). The Router will not accept the IP address if it is not in this format.
My Internet Connection: Select Static IP to manually enter the IP settings supplied by your ISP.
Enable Advanced DNS Advanced Domain Name System (DNS) services enhances your Service: Internet performance by getting you the information and web pages you are looking for faster and more reliably. In addition, it improves your overall Internet experience by correcting many common typo mistakes automatically, taking you where you
intended to go and saving you valuable time.
Enable True Gigabit Check to enable true Gigabit routing. This will increase the
Routing Connectivity:
IP Address: Enter the IP address assigned by your ISP.
Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet Mask assigned by your ISP.
Default Gateway: Enter the Gateway assigned by your ISP.
DNS Servers: The DNS server information will be supplied by your ISP (Internet
Service Provider.)
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to change the MTU for optimal performance with your specific ISP. 1500 is the default MTU.
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