Thank you for purchasing the DKVM-2/4 KVM Switch. This product will ensure easy and accurate control over 2 or 4 PCs through a single console. The DKVM-2/4 is compatible with mouse and keyboard with PS/2 type connectors. Older style keyboards or mice can be used with PS/2 adapters in the case that the device is PS/2 compatible. Most older style serial keyboard and mice are not compatible with PS/2. Advanced features like keyboard and mouse emulation for error free boot-ups and support is also provided for the Microsoft Intellimouse and Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer.
The DKVM-2/4 supports high resolutions. Resolutions up to 1920 x 1440 are supported with no deterioration of image quality.
Switching between PCs can be accomplished in two ways: through keyboard “Hot Key” commands or by using the convenient front-panel “Select” push button controls.