4 Position Rhino-NET™ at the bottom of the bracket: make sure the two large round
openings coincide to the ones located at the edges of Rhino-NET™.
5 While supporting the Rhino-NET™, rotate the whole device until it is aligned for the best
viewing position, then insert the set pin screw with locking washer until it inserts into one
of the small positioning holes located on the terminal bracket. See par. 2.4.
6 Place a locking washer and then a flat washer onto each knob. Tighten Rhino-NET™ to
its bracket by screwing the knobs into their holes - one on each side.
Lock washer
Flat washer
Figure 4 - Mounting Rhino-NET™ to the Bracket
7 After connecting the power supply cable to the forklift battery as described in par. 2.5
insert the power supply cable connector into the Rhino-NET™ socket by pressing in
while rotating the external metal ring clockwise.
Figure 5 - Vehicle Installation
Rhino-NET™ is now ready.