3.6 BARCODE READING Follow the procedure below and choose one of the methods indicated at step 3 to enable the
Rhino-NET™ to receive barcode scanning:
1. connect the barcode reader to one of the ports available for the scanner connection (i.e.
the COM2 serial port);
2. from the Scanner Setup applet in Control Panel (see par. 3.5.3), set the Reader
Parameters values (i.e "port" and "baud rate");
3. to receive the barcodes sent by the connected reader you can choose one of the following
• open the Barcode Reader from the Control Panel;
• from the Scanner Setup applet set the following Scan Parameters values:
a. "Scan Always On" Enabled
b. "Continuous Mode" Enabled
c. "Keyboard Emulation" Enabled
and then open Word from the desktop;
• open your own application created by SDK (for more details refer to the SDK help-
on-line on the CD-ROM).
4. Now you can start to read barcodes using the scanner.
The availability of scanning functions is evidenced by the presence of the Barcode Reader
icon in the Taskbar Status area at the bottom of the screen (see figure below).
Figure 28 – Barcode Reader Application
With the Remote Display Control application, you can display/control actions on Rhino-
NET™ remotely on the display of a desktop or laptop personal computer. This is a useful tool
for remote configuration. The PC must have the Remote Display application installed on it.
Remote Display Control works with ActiveSync® connections via the Serial port.
For more information about the Remote Display Control application and application
downloading visit the Microsoft Web Site. (http://www.microsoft.com/).