3.2.2 Keyboard LEDs The Rhino-NET™ keyboard has two LED indicators.
Power LED
CAPS Lock Mode
LED Indicator
Figure 18 - Keyboard LEDs
This LED indicates the state of the keyboard Caps-Lock mode. If Caps-Lock is enabled this
LED is illuminated red. When Caps-Lock is off, the LED is off.
Press FUNC then SHIFT to activate Caps-Lock.
The default value of Caps-Lock is “Off”.
The Caps-Lock LED flashes during the startup sequence.
When Rhino-NET™ is powered but switched off, the Power LED is ON.
When Rhino-NET™ is switched ON, the Power LED is OFF.
The Rhino-NET™ terminal can be reset (either hardware or software) without turning the
computer off.
Rebooting the Rhino-NET™, before a write (to disk) function has
completed, may result in the corruption of data on the hard drive.