Datavideo VDR-3000 Audio Input Button, TS Button Time Set, CL Button Clear, PL Button Play List

Models: VDR-3000

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22.PLAY Button

To start the disk playing

23.REW Button

To picture search backwards through a track. Several speeds are available each press of the button will increase the speed

24.Audio Input Button

To select the digital audio or analog audio input source

25.TS Button (Time Set)

To jump to any point on a disk enter the time in minutes and seconds

26.CL Button (Clear)

Clears entries from the user programmable Play List

27.PL Button (Play List)

Calls up a user programmable Play List of up to 12 tracks

28.TM Button (Time Mode)

To change the counter display from position in the track to time remaining

29.OSD Button

Turns on “On Screen Display”. During playback Track number, Counter, Disk format and Audio format can be displayed on the screen

30.RESUME Button

Will resume playback from the same point in a track if playback has been stopped

31.SLOW Button

To select slow motion playback. Three speeds are available press once for ½ speed, twice for ¼ speed and three times for 1/8 speed

32.PREV Button (Previous)

To skip back to the previous track during playback or to navigate up the on screen menu options

33.EJECT Button

To open and close the CD tray

34.UP Arrow

Navigates up through on screen menu options. Also with on screen controls increases the setting

35.A/B Repeat Button

To mark start and stop points within a track for repeat play

36.Mute button

To mute the volume during playback


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Datavideo VDR-3000 Audio Input Button, TS Button Time Set, CL Button Clear, PL Button Play List, TM Button Time Mode