Dell 120T, 130T Vault Fibre Channel Utilities Version, CD or the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel

Models: 130T

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Maximum of four Microsoft Cluster

Each MSCS pair with its PowerVault

Server (MSCS) clusters

650F/651F must be in its own zone,


see the latest clustering documenta-


tion for your systems.



Maximum of four PowerVault Fibre

Four is the maximum number of

Channel switches per SAN



for redundant configurations; two is the


maximum number for non-redundant






NetWare 4.2 and 5.x with the appropriate service pack (see the Release Notes on the Dell PowerVault Fiber Channels Utilities Version 2.0 CD for the correct service pack) are supported. See for the latest information about sup- ported operating systems. Dell does not support redundant fabrics and path failover for NetWare.

The Dell OpenManage Storage Consolidation software does not support NetWare vol- umes. SAN requires that the administrator manually control the mounting of SAN volumes on each NetWare server.

Table 2-2 lists the maximum NetWare configurations that are supported by SAN 2.0.


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Maximum of 10 servers running Net-

See the release notes on the Dell Power-

Ware; a maximum of 12 servers are

Vault Fibre Channel Utilities Version 2.0

supported if it is a backup only SAN.

CD or the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel


Update Version 2.0 CD for the latest list of


servers and revision levels required.



One Windows NT system is required

The Windows NT system must be in a

for managing storage

LAN with a NetWare server. At least one


of the SAN attached NetWare servers


must run the Data Managed Node for





2-2 Dell PowerVault Systems Storage Area Network (SAN) Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

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Dell 120T, 130T, 35F manual Vault Fibre Channel Utilities Version, CD or the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel