Dell 35F, 130T, 120T manual

Models: 130T

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NOTE: In its current configuration, the PowerVault 130T Library and 120T Autoloader are native SCSI devices requiring conversion to Fibre Channel for attachment to the SAN through the PowerVault 35F Fibre Channel Multiport Bridge.


The following sections describe the various SAN storage consolidation configuration examples.

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Zoning is required in heterogeneous SAN configurations and may be used in other configurations. Zoning uses World-Wide Names (WWNs).

You can obtain the WWNs of devices that are connected to each switch by using the nsShow command by using a Telnet or serial session. This command lists the con- tents of the name server table in the switch. The WWNs are sorted by the physical port number to which the devices are connected. (The position in the name server table listing does not identify the physical port on which the device is connected.) The WWN listing shows the port and node WWNs. This method of obtaining the WWNs is recommended if the fabric contains only PowerVault 50F switches, but it can be used for PowerVault 51F switches also.

In a fabric that has a PowerVault 51F switch (running version 2.1.x firmware), the name server information for the entire fabric can be accessed from the Dell Power- Vault Switch Manager application program by using a Web browser. Start the Switch Manager application program by connecting to a PowerVault 51F switch through a Web browser (see the Dell PowerVault Switch Manager User’s Guide for more infor- mation). From the Fabric View page (the first page that is displayed in the browser), click the Name Server Table button to launch the Name Server Table View. The table displays the port and node WWNs of each device in the fabric, the switch to which the device is connected (identified by domain id), and the physical port on which the device is connected. The Name Server Table View also identifies the zone membership information for the device.

The WWN information can be used to identify the type of device that is connected to a switch.

xx:xx:xx:60:69:xx:xx:xx — PowerVault 5xF switch

xx:xx:xx:60:16:xx:xx:xx — PowerVault 650F storage

xx:xx:xx:e0:8b:xx:xx:xx — QLA2100/2200 Host Bus Adapter

xx:xx:xx:e0:02:xx:xx:xx — PowerVault 35F Bridge


Figure 2-1 shows a Windows NT storage consolidation SAN with nine Windows NT servers, two primary storage devices, and four backup storage devices.

SAN Configurations 2-7

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Dell 35F, 130T, 120T manual