w w w . d e l l . c o m s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m
3Select the following options:
•Initiator Type: CLARiiON Open
•Failover Mode:1
•Array CommPath: Enabled
•Unit Serial Number: Array
4Enter the required Hostname and IP address for the server and select OK. Repeat the steps for all the WWNs connected to the storage device.
5The host server must now be registered to the storage device. The host is then assigned to a Storage Group along with the LUNs that it will use to store VMFS files.
NOTE: WWN of HBAs installed in a particular server can be determined by executing the command
more /proc/scsi/qla2300/* (for Qlogic HBAs) or more /proc/scsi/lpfdd/* (for Emulex HBAs) in the
service console.
NOTE: EMC PowerPath is not supported with ESX software.
Setting Up Manual Load Balancing
Automatic load balancing is not supported in VMware ESX Server software. Load balancing can be achieved by manually configuring the preferred path for each LUN from the ESX MUI. For more information about load balancing, refer to Configuring redundancy and load balancing in Dell EMC Storage for VMware ESX Server Software at www.dell.com/vmware.
Dell OpenManage in a
VMware ESX Server Environment
OpenManage Software Overview
Dell OpenManage systems management software is a suite of application programs for PowerEdge systems. This software allows you to manage your system with proactive monitoring, diagnosis, notification, and remote access. Each system that you plan to manage with Dell OpenManage software products is called a managed system. Managed system applications