•Working knowledge of Microsoft Remote Installation Services (RIS) and Automated Deployment Services (ADS) (including setting up of RIS and ADS environments) or any other
•Working knowledge of Windows Deployment Services (WDS) or any other
•A workstation with the following capabilities:
–Writable media drive
–Network access
•A target system with a media drive, if performing a local deployment.
•A target system with a media drive and network access, if performing a network deployment.
•All DTK utilities, sample scripts, and sample configuration files.
•Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.
•Your operating system software and documentation.
•An optimally configured source system with network access.
NOTE: You can download the latest drivers from support.dell.com.
For Linux, ensure that you have all of the following tools, software, and information ready to use or consult:
•Advanced knowledge of Linux and Linux scripting (bash), Linux networking, installing and working with RPM Package Managers, and creating and modifying loop file systems.
•A workstation with the following capabilities:
–A writable media drive
–Network access
•A target system with a media drive, if performing a local deployment.
•A target system with a media drive and network access, if performing a network deployment.
•All DTK utilities, sample scripts, sample configuration files, and RPM packages.
•All operating system RPM packages that DTK RPMs require.
NOTE: Tools such as Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM), Yet Another Setup Tool (YAST), and Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) can be used to manage RPM dependency issues.
•All other utilities and files necessary to perform the deployment, including all required Linux drivers, operating system drivers, and the Dell utility partition file.
•Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.
•Your operating system software and documentation.
•An optimally configured source system with network access.
NOTE: You can download the latest drivers from support.dell.com.
The following table describes the essential and optional drivers required for Dell‑supported hardware to build your Windows PE environment.
NOTE: The drivers provided have been tested successfully in the Windows PE environment.