Dell G1 manual Changing or deleting an existing password2-18, Password2-17

Models: G1

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speed jumpers setting￿￿5-9￿￿6-15

stand for vertical orientation, attaching￿￿ 1-10


switches￿￿5-6 voltage selection￿￿5-7

system board about￿￿5-5 connectors￿￿6-2 features￿￿1-2

system configuration information￿￿2-1

system data categories￿￿2-15

System Date category￿￿2-5

system features￿￿1-1

System Memory category￿￿2-8

System Monitoring and Analysis Reporting Technology. See SMART II support

system password about￿￿2-15 assigning￿￿2-16

changing or deleting an existing password￿￿2-18

disabling a forgotten password￿￿2-20entering a wrong or incomplete


risk of not using password￿￿2-16 using to secure your system￿￿2-17viewing current status￿￿2-11

System Password option￿￿2-11

System Security category￿￿2-11

System Setup program BIOS version￿￿2-2 categories￿￿2-4

copying or printing screen information￿￿ 2-1


error messages￿￿2-21

System Setup program (continued) key functions￿￿2-2

navigation keys￿￿2-3 screen￿￿2-4

setup password feature￿￿2-19 system configuration information￿￿2-1 system password feature￿￿2-15 using the program￿￿2-2

System Time category￿￿2-5

system. See computer


tape drives installing￿￿7-3 interface cable￿￿5-7 interface connector￿￿6-2

technical assistance￿￿1-14

technical specifications￿￿A-1

tools, help￿￿1-14

troubleshooting about￿￿1-14

ICU messages￿￿B-1

typographical conventions￿￿ix


Universal Serial Bus. See USB

upgrade options DIMMs￿￿6-7 drives￿￿7-1 expansion cards￿￿6-4 microprocessor￿￿6-12 unpacking￿￿5-2 video memory￿￿6-11

USB about￿￿1-2 connectors￿￿4-2￿￿5-7￿￿6-2

Index 7

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Image 159
Dell G1 manual Changing or deleting an existing password2-18, Password2-17, System Time category2-5 System. See computer