Dell G1 manual Basic input/output system. See Bios, Configuration ManagerB-6

Models: G1

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AC power receptacle￿￿5-7 accelerated graphics port. See AGP AGP￿￿1-3

Asset Tag category￿￿2-15 assistance, technical￿￿1-14 Auto Power On category￿￿2-13

autoconfiguration serial ports￿￿2-9


basic input/output system. See BIOS

battery replacing￿￿6-16 socket￿￿6-2

BIOS jumper￿￿5-9 revision number￿￿2-2

Boot Sequence category￿￿2-7

booting the computer system￿￿2-7



connector types￿￿7-4 DC power￿￿5-5￿￿7-3 drive interface￿￿5-5￿￿7-3

cache secondary￿￿1-2

card-edge connector￿￿7-4


CD-ROM audio interface connector￿￿6-2

chassis intrusion alarm￿￿1-8

Chassis Intrusion option￿￿2-12

chassis intrusion switch connector￿￿6-2 location￿￿5-7

COM port designations￿￿2-9

computer booting￿￿2-7 features￿￿1-1 hung system￿￿1-9 internal illustration￿￿5-7

removing and replacing cover￿￿5-2 system board features￿￿1-2￿￿6-2 technical specifications￿￿A-1

Configuration Manager￿￿B-6

Index 1

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Dell G1 manual Basic input/output system. See Bios, Configuration ManagerB-6