connectors card-edge￿￿7-4

CD-ROM audio interface￿￿6-2 chassis intrusion switch￿￿6-2control panel￿￿6-2 diskette/tape drive interface￿￿6-2EIDE interface￿￿6-2 expansion-card￿￿6-4

hard-disk drive LED￿￿6-4 header￿￿7-4 keyboard￿￿5-7￿￿6-2

list of￿￿5-10 microprocessor fan￿￿6-2mouse￿￿5-7￿￿6-2 multimedia connector￿￿6-2NIC￿￿4-2￿￿5-7￿￿6-2 parallel port￿￿5-7￿￿6-2power input￿￿6-2

riser board￿￿6-2 SEC cartridge￿￿6-2 serial port￿￿4-2￿￿5-7￿￿6-2 serial ports￿￿5-7 USB￿￿5-7￿￿6-2 video￿￿5-7￿￿6-2

control panel connector￿￿6-2


removing and replacing￿￿5-2

CPU Speed category￿￿2-9


DC power cables￿￿5-5￿￿7-4

Dell OpenManage program￿￿1-6

Desktop Management Interface. See


diagnosing problems￿￿1-14

diagnostics system￿￿1-4

DIMMs about￿￿6-7

capacities supported￿￿1-2 installing￿￿6-7￿￿6-10 removing￿￿6-10 sockets￿￿6-2

Diskette Drive A and Diskette Drive B categories￿￿2-5

Diskette Drive A: option￿￿2-8

diskette drives connecting￿￿7-3￿￿7-4 installing￿￿7-3￿￿7-5 interface connector￿￿6-2 turning off built-incontroller￿￿2-11types, sizes, and capacities￿￿2-5

Diskette Interface option￿￿2-11

diskette/tape drive interface connector￿￿ 6-2

Display Power Management Signaling. See DPMS


DPMS and power management￿￿2-14

drive bays installing drives￿￿7-5

drive interface cable￿￿5-7

drivers for integrated devices￿￿4-1

drives cables￿￿7-3 connecting to power￿￿7-3 formatting￿￿7-14 front-panel inserts￿￿7-2location in chassis￿￿7-1 partitioning￿￿7-14 types supported￿￿A-2

drive-type numbers￿￿2-6

dual in-line memory modules. See DIMMs

2 Dell OptiPlex G1 Midsize Managed PC Reference and Installation Guide

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Image 154
Dell G1 manual Dmi, Diagnosing problems1-14