Dell Inspiron 15R manual Replacing the Keyboard, Postrequisites

Models: Inspiron 15R

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3Carefully turn the keyboard over and place it on the palm rest.

4Lift the connector latch and pull the pull-tab to disconnect the keyboard cable from the connector on the system board.

5Lift the keyboard away from the computer.

1 2


1 keyboard cable

2 connector latch

3 tabs (5)

Replacing the Keyboard


1Slide the keyboard cable into the connector on the system board and press down on the connector latch to secure the cable.

2Slide the tabs at the bottom of the keyboard into the slots on the palm rest and place the keyboard on the palm rest.

3Gently press around the edges of the keyboard to secure the keyboard under the tabs on the palm rest.

4Close the display and turn the computer over.


1Replace the battery. See "Replacing the Battery" on page 13.

2Follow the instructions in "After Working Inside Your Computer" on page 9.

16 Keyboard

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Dell Inspiron 15R manual Replacing the Keyboard, Postrequisites