Own Number
View and edit your own number.
Internal Memory
View the memory used by the saved contacts and total memory on
the phone and SMS card.
Select the fourth icon on your selected card, you will enter the group
list. Hover the cursor over the group you wish to setup click setup
and the setup menu will appear.
For the Confirmation Group you can only setup the group icon.
For other groups, you will see the following menu options: change
the group name, group icon, set up the group incoming ring tone,
add contact to the group or delete a group member. If you delete
a contact from a group they will return to the Confirmation Group.
Group Name: Change the name of the group.
Group Icon: Change the icon of a group. after changing it, the contacts
of the group members will show this icon in the contacts table.
Ring Tone: Set the incoming ring tone for contacts in this group.
Add Contact: Add a new contact to this group.
Remove From Group: Remove contact from the group. the removed
contact will return to the confirmation group.
Select the specified group. The contacts in this group will appear
in the list window. it if has not been setup this will display as
blank. Press option to activate the menu, from there it is possible
to search, call, IP call, video call, send a message, or send
a multimedia message to the contact.