11. Align two mounting holes in the top of drum support |
arm (T) Fig. 18, with two |
and fasten drum support arm (T) to drum (N). Place a |
lockwasher then a flat washer onto the hex head screw, |
insert the hex head screw through the hole in upper |
drum support and drum and thread a hex nut onto the |
hex head screw. NOTE: Do not completely tighten |
mounting hardware at this time. |
12. Fasten the bottom of drum support (T) Fig. 19, at |
Fig. 18
one corner of base (B). Place a lockwasher (X) onto a |
hex head screw (W) and insert the hex head screw | |
through drum support arm (T) and thread into base (B). | |
Fasten the remaining drum supports Fig. 20, to the other | |
drum and base in the same manner. | |
13. | Tighten all mounting hardware at this time. |
14. | Attach the lower dust bag retaining clip (A) Fig. 20, to |
the dust collector drum. Align the two holes in the | |
retaining clip (A) Fig. 20, with the two holes in the drum. |
Insert a |
the retaining clip and the holes in the drum. Place a 1/4" |
flat washer onto the screws, and thread |
on the screws and tighten securely. Repeat this process |
for the three remaining sides of the drum and the other |
drum. |
14.Fig. 21, illustrates four drum supports assembled to the drums and base.
Fig. 21
Fig. 19
Fig. 20