2.IP Power 9258’s default setting is fixed IP address: The IP address of your computer should in the same subnet with that of IP Power 9258’s, so that you can open the control web page. In the figure above, the IP address of IP Power 9258 is You can make sure the IP address of your computer first, then use the ipedit.exe to modify the IP address of IP Power 9258.after that, your computer can connect to the IP Power 9258.
3.IF user can not enter the control web page, please set the IP address of IP Power 9258 and your computer in the same subnet. User can obtain the computer’s IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway through the following method.
start run type in “cmd” then open the MS
The last number of the IP address (default is 100) can be any number between 1~254, but cannot be the same with that of the computer’s. If you want to use it at home, you can enter the web page by typing in the IP, the IE, or using ipedit.exe program.
*Same subnet : means the first three parts of the IP address must be the same, such as XXX.XXX.X.abc. For example, and are in the same subnet.
5 .The default username and password of IP Power 9258 are:
Username: admin
Password: 12345678
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