9. FAQ
Q1: I forgot the password and can not enter the administration page now, what can I do?
A1: Use username " super user " when log in webpage and then click "OK " turn power off for few second and then turn on ON . 9258 will to set back to default password. ( There is space between super and user. )
Q2: Why the on/off operation can work immediately?
A2: if you operate the IP Power 9258 in Ethernet, the operation will work immediately. If you operate it through the Internet, the response speed depends on the situation of the network.
10. Webpage Customization
Customer can use our Web page SDK to amend the word and background pictures for your 9258. If not familiar to write webpage, please do not do this amendment.
Important Notice:
1. Each file do not over the original file size.
1.The character word part do not over the original amount . For instance : “setup “ it is 5 characters.
2.Do not amend the structure of webpage – can only amend words and background picture.
3.Only support HTML langrage to amend the webpage.
Step 1 : Open the 9258 Webpage SDK file , and choose the webpage planned to amend. For example : web page “ipcontrol “ html file ”
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