IDE Primary Master/Slave PIO
It allows your system HDD controller to run faster.
Rather than having the BIOS issue with a series of commands that transferring to or from the disk drive, PIO (Programmed Input/Output) allows the BIOS to communicate with the controller and CPU directly.
When Auto is selected, the BIOS will select the best available mode. Setting: Auto (Default), Mode 0, Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3, Mode 4.
IDE Primary Master/Slave UDMA
It allows your system to improve disk I/O throughput to 33MB/sec with the Ultra DMA33 feature.
Setting: Disabled, Auto.
IDE DMA Transfer Access
Setting: Disabled, Enabled (Default).
IDE HDD Block Mode
It allows your HDD controller to use the fast block mode to transfer data to and from your HDD drive.
Setting: Disabled, Enabled (Default).
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