6If you want to program
Limited Mode, press 1.
If not, skip to step 7.
See Limited Mode on page 3 for
more information.
7Press POUND (#). If you entered the code
correctly, the mode button
flashes three times.
8Press POWER to turn off
the equipment. If the
equipment does not turn
off, go to step 10.
If the code works, the
equipment should turn off.
9Turn the equipment back
on and try some other
buttons to make sure they
work. If the code works for
other buttons, stop here.
Note: If you have
programmed your remote in
Limited Mode, only the
buttons work.
For example, sometimes
POWER works when other
buttons don’t.
10 If the code doesn’t work,
repeat steps 3 through 9
with another equipment
code from the tables.
Try every code listed for your
brand until one works for your
11 If you can’t find a code that
works, try Scanning for
Equipment Codes that
Instructions Additional Information