SETTING UP A TV1 UHF PRO REMOTE FOR THE DUODVR 522 AND DUODVR 625 ONLYUse these special instructions only if you are going to use the green 1
UHF Pro key to control the TV1 side of your DuoDVR 522 or 625
(also known as DISH Player-DVR 522 or 625).
When you are finished setting up the remote control, you’ll be able to
operate the TV1 side of your DuoDVR 522 or DuoDVR 625 from long
1Make sure the key is installed as described on pages
S-1 and S-2.
2Make sure the UHF Antenna is attached to the
REMOTE ANTENNA input on the back of the receiver.
3Using the receiver’s front panel buttons, press MENU. Select the
following on-screen items in this sequence:
a. System Setup
b. Installation
c. TV1 UHF Pro Setup
4 Select Enable from the TV1 UHF Pro Setup screen.
5Select System Info to open the System Info screen.