For AUX mode, the first
group of flashes tells you
what type of device the
AUX mode controls, then
the following flashes tell
you each digit of the
equipment code. A quick
flash (zero) before the
three-digit code is for a TV;
one regular flash is for a
VCR or DVD player; and
two flashes is for a tuner or
For a satellite receiver
programmed in AUX mode,
the group of flashes tells
you the address number.
For example, if the TV
code is 570, the AUX mode
button flashes once quickly,
pauses, flashes five times,
pauses, flashes seven times,
pauses, and quick flashes
for zero.
For example, if the AUX
mode button is set to
control a satellite receiver
with address 5, the AUX
mode button flashes five
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