Although the Loop Through function provides convenient live lines for your call, you might prefer None for directing all calls via Internet. Please be reminded that you can still make the call via PSTN by manually dialing “#0” first.
This will also work if you may wish to know in which way every call dial out so that you can count how much they save before receiving the phone bill.
Backup Phone The telephone number to dial if you select PSTN in Loop
Number Through
4.2 SIP Related Function Setup
In this section, you set up your own SIP settings. When you apply for an account, your SIP service provider will give you an Account Name or user name, SIP Registrar, Proxy, and Domain name. (The last three might be the same in some case).Then you can tell your folks your SIP Address as in Account
Name@ Domain name
As Vigor VoIP Router is turned on, it will first register with Registrar using AuthorizationUser@Domain/Realm. After that, your call will be bypassed by SIP Proxy to the destination using AccountName@Domain/Realm as identity.
Please set each field in the SIP and Ports Settings accordingly. Click OK to apply settings.