Dyson DC08 manual Filter spätestens alle 6 Monate waschen, Lavar o filtro pelo menos cada 6 meses

Models: DC08

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Filter spätestens alle 6 Monate waschen.

An der Deckelverriegelung 2 ziehen, um den waschbaren

Filter und Filtergehäuse in kaltem Wasser auswaschen. Die

Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Filter vor dem Wiedereinsetzen

Das Aufsaugen von Feinstaub kann den Waschzyklus

Filter zu entnehmen.

Schritte 3 und 4 wiederholen, bis der Filter vollständig

vollständig getrocknet ist. Mindestens 12 Stunden trocknen

verkürzen. Zur Behälterentnahme Verriegelung 1 drücken.






sauber ist.


Was het filter minstens iedere 6 maanden. Indien

Trek aan het dekselklepje om het wasbare filter te nemen.

Was het filter en de filterhouder alleen in koud water.

Zorg ervoor dat het filter volledig droog is alvorens dit

u vaak fijn stof opzuigt, dient u het filter vaker te wassen.






Herhaal stappen 3 en 4 totdat het water helder is.

opnieuw te gebruiken. Laat het filter en de filterhouder

Duw op het rode klepje 1 om het reservoir los te maken.























minstens 12 uur drogen.

Lave el filtro al menos cada 6 meses. El filtro

Tire de la pestaña 2 para acceder al filtro lavable.

Lave el filtro y la carcasa sólo con agua fría. Repita los

Asegúrese de que el filtro está completamente seco antes de

puede necesitar lavarse con más frecuencia si aspira polvo






pasos 3 y 4 hasta que el agua circule limpia.

colocarlo en la máquina. Séquelo al menos durante 12 horas.

muy fino. Pulse la pestaña 1 para sacar el cuerpo del ciclón.
































Pulire il filtro almeno ogni 6 mesi. Il filtro può

Sollevare il fermo 2 per accedere al filtro lavabile.

Lavare filtro e portafiltro solo con acqua fredda. Ripetere i

Assicurarsi che il filtro sia completamente asciutto prima di

richiedere lavaggi più frequenti se viene aspirata polvere






punti 3 e 4 finchè l’acqua non scorre pulita.

rimetterlo a posto. Far asciugare almeno per 12 ore.

fine. Premere il tasto 1 per rimuovere il contenitore.
































Lavar o filtro pelo menos cada 6 meses.

Levante 2 para aceder ao filtro lavável.

Lave o filtro e o suporte só em água fria. Repita o passo 3 e

Assegure-se de que o filtro está completamente seco

Pode ser necessário lavá-lo com mais frequência se aspirar






4 até correr água limpa.

antes de o colocar na máquina. Seque-o pelo menos

pó fino. Pressione 1 para retirar o ciclone.























durante 12 horas.

Vask filteret mindst hver 6.måned. Filteret kan

Træk i låget for adgang til det vaskbare filter.

Vask kun filter og kassette i koldt vand. Gentag trin 3 og 4

Filteret skal være fuldstændig tørt inden det sættes tilbage i

kræve hyppigere vaskning hvis man støvsuger ofte. Tryk på






indtil vandet er helt rent.

maskinen. Skal tørre mindst 12 timer.

knap 1 for at afmontere cyklonen.
































Pese suodatin vähintään joka 6 kuukausi.

Nosta painiketta 2 saadaksesi esiin pestävän suodattimen.

Pese suodatin ja sen kotelo vain kylmällä vedellä. Toista

Varmista, että suodatin on täysin kuiva, ennen imuriin

Suodatin tulee pestä useammin, imuroitaessa hienoa pölyä.






kodat 3 ja 4 kunnes vesi on puhdasta.

takaisin laittoa. Kuivaa vähintään 12 tuntia.

Paina 1 vapauttaaksesi syklonit.
































Vask filteret minst hver 6. måned eller oftere hvis

Løft opp spake 2 for tilgang til vaskbart filer.

Filteret må kun vaskes i kaldt vann. Gjenta trinn 3 og 4

Filteret må være tørt for plassering tilbake i maskinen. Tørk i

brukt til mikroskopiske støv-partikler. Trykk spake 1 for å






inntil vannet renner klart.

minst 12 timer.

frigjøre “syklon-enheten”.
































Tvätta filtret minst var 6:e månad. Filtret kan

Lyft spärren 2 för att komma åt det tvättbara filtret.

Tvätta filtret och filterhållaren bara i kallt vatten. Upprepa

Se till att filtret är helt torrt innan det monteras tillbaka. Låt

behöva tvättas oftare om dammet som sugs upp är mycket






steg 3 och 4 tills vattnet är klart.

torka i minst 12 timmar.

fint. Tryck på spärren 1 för att frigöra cyklondelen.
































Промывайте фильтр каждые 6 месяцев. При частой уборке

Поднимите зажим 2 и выньте бокс фильтра.

Промывайте фильтр и бокс только холодной водой. Промойте

тщательно высущите фильтр (не менее 12 часов) перед тем, как

мелкой пыли фильтр можно промывать чаще. Нажмите зажим 1






фильтр, пока вода не станет чистой.

установить его на место.

чтобы отсоединить циклон.
































Zaleca się mycie filtra co 6 miesięcy. Filtr wymaga

Zwolnić zaczep 2, aby dostać się do filtra w celu umycia go.

Filtr należy myć tylko w zimnej wodzie. Powtarzać

Upewnić się, że pojemnik jest całkowicie suchy przed

częstszego mycia, jeżeli sprzątany jest drobny kurz.






czynność, aż woda będzie czysta.

zamontowaniem w odkurzaczu.Suszyć min. 12 godzin.

Nacisnąć zaczep 1, aby zdjąć cyklon.
































Filtr properte nejméně jednou za 6 měsíců, nebo častěji

Zvednutím západky 2 umožníte přístup k pracímu filtru.

Kazetu s filtrem propírejte pouze studenou čistou vodou

Do vysavače vkládejte pouze úplně vysušené filtry.

podle potřeby. Zmačknutím západky 1 uvolníte cyklon.






dokud nevytéká čistá voda.

Nechávejte je schnout nejméně 12 hodin.

Filtreyi en az 6 ayda bir yıkayın. İnce toz parçacıkları fazla

2 numaralı tutucuya basarak yıkanabilir filtreye ulaşınız.

Filteryi ve kasasını sadece soğuk suyla yıkayınız. 3 ve 4 numaralı

Makineye takmadan once filtrenin tamamen kuru olduğundan emin

miktarda çekilirse filtrenin daha sık yıkanması gerekebilir. 1 numaralı






adımları su berrak akıncaya kadar tekrarlayınız.

olunuz. En az 12 saat kurutunuz.

tutucuya basarak siklon takımını çıkartınız.
































Pranje filtra vsaj na šest mesecev Pri sesanju drobnega

Dvignite zatič 2, da dosežete filter.

Filter in ohišje operite le v hladni vodi. Ponavljajte koraka

Filter lahko pritrdite nazaj šele, ko je popolnoma suh.

prahu je treba filter prati tudi pogosteje. Pritisnite zatič 1 in






3 in 4, dokler voda ni čista.

Suši naj se vsaj 12 ur.

sprostite ciklon.








































































































































































































































































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Dyson DC08 manual Filter spätestens alle 6 Monate waschen, Was het filter minstens iedere 6 maanden. Indien

DC08 specifications

The Dyson DC08 is a canister vacuum cleaner that stands out in the world of home cleaning appliances due to its innovative design and powerful suction capabilities. Launched in the early 2000s, the DC08 was one of Dyson's early forays into canister-style cleaners, offering consumers an effective solution for tackling dirt and allergens around the home.

One of the main features of the Dyson DC08 is its cyclonic separation technology. Unlike traditional vacuums that rely on bags to trap dirt, the DC08 utilizes a bagless design that separates dirt and debris from the air using centrifugal force. This ensures that the suction power remains consistent, as there is no clogging caused by filling a dust bag. The transparent dust bin allows users to see when it needs emptying, promoting ease of maintenance.

The DC08 is equipped with Dyson's Root Cyclone technology, which further enhances its cleaning efficiency. This patented technology captures microscopic dust and allergens, making it an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. Moreover, the vacuum's HEPA filtration system captures 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, ensuring that expelled air is cleaner than the air going in.

Another distinctive characteristic of the Dyson DC08 is its ergonomic design. The vacuum features a combination of a low center of gravity and a robust wheel system, enabling smooth maneuverability across a variety of surfaces, including carpets and hard floors. The vacuums' length-adjustable hose and telescopic wand provide flexibility and ease during cleaning, allowing users to reach high or awkward spaces with minimal effort.

The DC08 also includes various attachments and tools, such as a turbo brush for pet hair removal, a crevice tool for tight spaces, and a dusting brush for delicate surfaces. These tools enhance its versatility, making the vacuum suitable for a wide range of cleaning tasks, from upholstery to stairs.

In terms of performance, the DC08 is known for its powerful suction and quiet operation, making it an ideal choice for households that require a thorough yet unobtrusive cleaning experience. Ultimately, the Dyson DC08 remains a relevant and effective vacuum cleaner option for those seeking efficiency, advanced technology, and adaptability in their cleaning routines.