Network Shutdown Module V3 – User Manual - 34 003 934 XU / AE Page 12/65
2.4 Software Installation Procedure This section informs on how to install Network Shutdown Module to protect the computer system.
Before starting the installation:
z it is necessary first to install a Network Management Card in the UPS or the Mgt. Proxy on a server.
z make sure you have the necessary administrator rights to install Network Shutdown Module (for
Windows and Linux).
z it is assumed that you are aware of the installation prerequisites.
Follow these steps to install Network Shutdown Module in interactive (graphical) mode:
onnect to the EATON download area. Follow the instructions to download Network Shutdown Module
From CD ROM:
t navigator screen select "Network Solutions" and follow the instructions
or insert the Solution-Pac 2 CD-ROM (/HF).
z At the firs
For Windows:
the downloaded package.
From the Web:
z Execute
From CD ROM:
z Mount your CD-ROM (ex: /mnt/cdrom)
wser to discover the solutions and select
z Open Default.htm from your internet bro
"Network Solutions".
z Follow the instruc
For Lin
nd save the file to your computer.
ckage (through graphical interface)
From the web:
z Download a
z Authorize the execution right on the downloaded pa
or execute the command : chmod 755 nsm_linux_xx_3_xx_xx.run
z To install execute the package (double click)
z If necessary enter the root password
z Follow the instructions
For Mac OSX downloaded package.
From the Web:
• Execute the
Choose the installation language. The selected language will correspond to the one of the installed
accept the License Agreement for EATON Software.
After the installation,
n-> Power device screen,
sword «admin»
e Network Management Card (or Proxy)
n, available with version 3.10 and later, you can discover
z Read and
z Choose the installation directory of the Network Shutdown Modu
> Windows default value is C:\Program Files\EATON\NetworkShutdownMod
> Linux default value is /usr/local/EATON/NetworkShutdownModule
> Mac OSX default value is /usr/local/EATON/NetworkShutdownModule
z Complete the installation.
> In the Configuratio
Enter the default Login «admin» and default Pas
Then click on the Add button and
> Enter the IP (or the host name) of th
or use the following new function:
New: With the Quick Scan … butto
in a few seconds the cards connected to the network and then select a card from the list.