Network Shutdown Module V3 – User Manual - 34 003 934 XU / AE Page 13/65
Power device settings
> Save your configuration
z Configure your password (recommended)
z For multi-UPS systems, please refer to the chapter "Multi UPS systems" .
z The Network Shutdown Module is now configured by default. You can anyway customize the Network
Shutdown Module and for example configure your password (recommended).
z The installed components are automatically started.
z It is possible to test Network Shutdown Module.
z The protection function is now active on the computer and will be run automatically each time the
computer is started.
Follow these steps to install Network Shutdown Module in console mode:
z For Linux, if the server doesn’t have the graphical layer installed, you have to use the specific package
called nsm_linux-cli_xxx.run
z Login as root in a terminal
z Then install the Network Shutdown Module in silent mode
Note : You can configure the Network Shutdown Module either:
z through the silent mode parameters (e.g.)
./<FileName> -install –silent –agentName ‘’
z through remote access