EAW Loudspeaker's owner manual E f i n i t i o n s, I g g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n

Models: Loudspeaker's

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4 . 1 D e f i n i t i o n s

For brevity purposes, "rigging" is used herein as a general term referring to fixed mounting and suspension as well as the hardware used for such mounting and suspension. It also applies to temporary and permanent installation.

Nous utilisons le terme général "montage" dans ce document pour décrire le montage, l'installation fixe ou la suspension des équipements ainsi que pour décrire les éléments utilisés pour ce montage et suspension. Ce terme s'applique aussi bien aux installations temporaires que permanentes.

Per semplificazione, la parola "rigging" è utiizzata come termine generico riferendosi al montaggio fisso o alla sospensione, oltre ad indicare l'hardware impiegato per tali nstallazioni.

Èapplicabile anche relativamente a installazioni temporanee o permanenti.

De forma resumida, el término "anclje" se usa aquí de forma general para hacer referencia al montaje fijo así como a la suspensión aérea del hardware usado en dichomontaje fijo o suspensión. Se aplica por igual tanto a las instalaciones fijas como a las temporales.

Wenn nachfolgend von "Rigging" die Rede ist, ist hiermit die Aufhängung oder feste Montage bzw. das hierzu benötigte Material gemeint in temporären oder ermanenten Installationen gemeint.

4 . 2 R i g g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n

For detailed information about rigging, the following publications are recommended:

"Entertainment Rigging: A Practical Guide for Riggers, Designers, and Managers"

by Harry Donovan; Harry M. Donovan, 2002

"An Introduction to Rigging in the Entertainment Industry"

by Chris Higgs; Entertainment Technology Press, June 2002

"Rigging for Entertainment: Regulations and Practice"

by Chris Higgs; Entertainment Technology Press, April 2003

DANGER: If there is any question about the integrity or capability of any part to perform its intended function when used to suspend or mount a loudspeaker, immediately remove it from service for repair or replacement.

WARNING: Do not under any circumstances use a loudspeaker's handles to support the weight

of the loudspeaker except for their intended use: hand carrying. The handles are not rated to support the load of the loudspeaker for temporary or permanent installation.

WARNING: Rigging loudspeakers is an extremely serious matter with potentially lethal consequences should anything go wrong. It is of vital importance that this task is done by persons qualified to do so and who have a full understanding of all factors involved, with safety as the number one priority. Only persons with the knowledge of and experience with proper hardware and safe rigging techniques should attempt to suspend or mount loudspeaker systems overhead. For all questions involving loudspeaker rigging, consult a licensed, qualified Professional Engineer or Professional Rigger. All rigging work must be done in accordance with and in compliance with all applicable regulations governing such work.


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EAW Loudspeaker's owner manual E f i n i t i o n s, I g g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n