1.Where a WLL is specified in an accompanying manual for a specific loudspeaker model, that rating supersedes this section.
2.Where the loudspeaker is specifically designed for suspension in touring applications.
4 . 4 D e s i g n Fa c t o r
The Design Factor for all WLLs is a minimum of 8:1.
Section 5 Rigging Design
5 . 1 R i g g i n g D e s i g n P r a c t i c e s
Rigging a loudspeaker requires determining:
1.The rigging methods and hardware that meet static, shock, dynamic, and any other load requirements for supporting the loudspeaker from structure.
2.The design factor for and the required WLL (Working Load Limit) for this support.
EAW strongly recommends the following rigging practices:
1.Documentation: Thoroughly document the design with detailed drawings and parts lists.
2.Analysis: Have a qualified professional, such as a licensed Professional Engineer, review and approve the design before its implementation.
3.Installation: Have a qualified professional rigger do the installation and inspection.
4.Safety: Use adequate safety precautions and
5 . 2 R i g g i n g H a r d w a r e a n d A c c e s s o r i e s
Rigging EAW loudspeakers will invariably require hardware not supplied by EAW. Various types of
EAW does offer certain accessory rigging items, primarily for attachment to the hardware integral with the loudspeaker. Some items, such as eyebolts, can be used with a variety of products. Others, particularly
EAW is not in business of providing complete rigging systems, either as designers, manufacturers, or installers. It is the responsibility of the installer to provide a properly engineered,