Edimax Technology LAN USB Adapter user manual Here are descriptions of every setup items

Models: LAN USB Adapter

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Here are descriptions of every setup items:

Here are descriptions of every setup items:

Profile Name

Please give this profile a name, up to 32 alphanumerical characters and symbols


are allowed, but space is not allowed.


The SSID of the wireless access point or wireless device you selected will be


displayed here. But if the SSID of access point or wireless device is not available,


you have to input it here manually.


Please select CAM (constantly awake mode, keep

(Power Saving

the wireless radio activity when not transferring


data), or PSM (Power saving mode, switches radio off when not transferring data).


It’s recommended to choose ‘PSM’ if you’re using this network card with


notebook computer to help the battery live longer.

Network Type

Select network type (‘Ad Hoc’ or ‘Infrastructure’). If you’re adding a profile from an


existing access point or wireless device, it’s automatically selected and you don’t


have to change it.


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Edimax Technology LAN USB Adapter user manual Here are descriptions of every setup items