3. Screen Adjustment and Settings
Advanced Adjustments [Adjustment menu]Color settings of each FineContrast mode can be adjusted and saved by usi ng the <Color> menu of the
Adjustment menu.
Adjustment Items
The adjustable items and displayed icons on the <Color> menu depend on the selected FineCont rast mode.
" √ ": Settable/Adjustable " - ": Fixed at the factory
Icons Functions FineContrast Mode
Brightness*√ √ − −
Temperature*√ − − −
Gamma*√ − − −
Saturation √ − − −
Hue √ − − −
Gain √ − − −
6 colors √ − − −
Reset √ √ − −
* Thesesettingscanbealsoadjustedont heFineContrastmenu.
• Allow the LCD mon itor to stabilize for at least 30 minutes before ma king image adjustments. (Allow the monito r to
warm up for at least 30 minutes before maki ng adjustments.)
• The values shown i n percentages represent the cu rrent level within the speci c adjustment. They are available only as a
reference tool. (To create a uniform white or black scree n, the percentages for each will probably not be th e same.)