5. Reference
5-3. GlossaryDVI (Digital Visual Interface)
A digital at panel inter face. DVI can transmit d igital data from the PC directly without loss w ith the signal
transition method "TM DS". There are two kinds of DVI con nectors. O ne is DVI-D connect or for d igital
signal input only. The other is DVI-I connector for both digital and analog signal inputs.
DVI DMPM (DVI Digital Monitor Power Management)
The Power management system for the digital i nterface. The "Monitor ON" status (operation mode) a nd the
"Active Off" status (power-saving mode) are indispensable for the DVI-DMPM as the monitor's power mode.
Gain Adjustment
Adjusts each color parameter for red, green and blue. The color of the LCD monitor is displayed through the
color lter of the LCD panel. Red, green and blue are t he three primary colors. T he colors on the monitor are
displayed by combining the se three colors. The color tone can change by adjusting the illumination amount
passed through each color's lter.
Generally, the relationship that the light intensity values of a monitor change nonlinearly to the input signal
level is called "Ga mma Characteri stic". On the monitor, low gamma values display the wh itish images and
high gamma values display the high contrast im ages.
HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Contents Protection)
Digital signal cod ing system developed to copy-protect the digital contents, such as v ideo, music, etc. T his
helpsto transmit the digital content s safely by coding the digital contents se nt via DVI terminal on the out put
side anddecoding them on the input side.Any digit al contents cannot be reproduced if both of the equipments
on the output and input sides are not applicableto HDCP system.
The LCD panel consists of a xed number of pixel elements which are illuminated to form the screen image.
The display panel of this monitor consists of 2560 hor izontal pixels and 1600 ver tical pixels. At a resolution
of 2560 x 1600, images are displayed as a full screen (1:1).
Color Temperature is a method to measure the white color tone, gen erally indicated in degrees Kelvin. At
high temperatures the white tone appears somewhat blue, while at lower te mperatures it app ears somewhat
red. Computer monitors generally give best performa nce at high temperature settings.
5000 K: Slightly reddish white (usually used in print indust ry)
6500 K: White called daylight color (suited for web browsing)
9300 K: Slightly bluish white (usually used for television)
TMDS (Transition Minimized Differential Signaling)
A signal transition method for the digital interfa ce.