1. Introduction
• This mon itor supports the Portrait/ Landscape display. This function al lows you to change the orientation of
the Adjustment menu when using the monitor scre en in vertical display position. (Refer to “3- 8. Setting the
Orientation of the Adjustment Menu” (page 22).)
• For using the monitor w ith “Portrait” position, the g raphics board supporting por trait display is required. W hen
using the monitor with “Portrait ” position, the setting needs to be ch anged depending on the graphics boa rd used
in your PC. Refer to the manual of the graphics boa rd for details.
1-2. Buttons and IndicatorsAdjustment menu (ScreenManager
® *)
1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11
1 Input Signal Selection
button Switches input signals for display when two PCs a re connected to the monitor.
2 Mode button Displays the Fine Contrast menu.
3 Enter button DisplaystheAdjustmentmenu,determine sanitemonthemenuscreen,andsaves
4 Control buttons
(Left, Down, Up, Right)
Choosesanadjustmentitemorincreases/decreasesadjustedval uesforadvanced
5 Power button Turns the power on or off.
6 Power indicator Indicates monitor’s operation status.
Blue: Operating Orange: Power saving Off: Power off
WhenthetimerissetforColorNavigator,notiesthatarecali brationisrequired(for
CAL mode or EMU mode).
7 Stand Usedtoadjusttheheightofthemonitor.
8 Security lock slot Complies with Kensington’s MicroSaver security system.
9 Input signal connectors Left: DVI-D connector (SIGNAL1 DUAL LINK) / Right: DVI -D connector (SIGNAL2)
10 USB port (UP) Connects the USB cable in order to use the provided so ftware.
11 USB port (DOWN) Connects peripheral USB devic es.