30 Chapter4PowerSavingFunctions
4-4. Checking the power saving levelThe EcoView menu allows you to check Power Reduction, CO2 Reduction, and Eco Performance Level. The more
indicators light up representing the Eco Perform ance Level, the higher the power saving level attained.
1. Press .
The “EcoView Menu” menu appears.
Powerreduction:thebacklight’sreductionofpowerconsumptio nasaresultoftheadjustedbrightnessvalue.
CO2reduction:convertedfromthe“Powerreducti on”value,thisisanestimateofthequantityofCO2emissions
* The numeric value is a result of a calculation bas ed on a default setting (0.000555 t -CO2/kWh) determi ned by a
Japanese ministerial ordi nance (2006, Ministry of Eco nomy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Envi ronment, civil code
article 3) and may differ depending on count ry and year.
4-5. Enabling / Disabling Auto Power-OFFThis function allows you to switch the setting to tur n off the monitor automatically after a specied time has pa ssed
in the power saving mode.
Adjustable range
Off, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45 min, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 h
1. Choose “PowerManager” in t he Setting menu, and press .
2. Choose “Eco Timer ” in the “PowerManager”, and press .
3. Select “Off ” or time to turn off the monitor with or .
4. Press to exit.