●To set input signal selection
Setting Function
Auto Themonitorrecognizestheconnectorthroug hwhichPCsignalsareinput.
WhenaPCisturnedofforentersthepowersavingmode,themo nitorautomatically
Manual Themonitordisplaysthesignalfromtheselectedcon nectordespitethesignalinput.Select
theinputsignalfordisplayusingthe operationbutton.
1. Choose “Monitor Sett ings” from the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “Input Signal” f rom “Monitor Settings”, and press .
3. Select “Auto” or “Manual” with or .
4. Press to exit.
• If you select “Auto”, the monitor enters the power savi ng mode after all the PCs have entered t he power saving mode or
have been switched off.
6-3. Making Use of USB (Universal Serial Bus)
This monitor has a USB hub. It works as a USB hub when connected to a USB-compatible PC, allowing the
connection of peripheral USB devices.
●Required System Environment
• A P C equipped with a USB port
• Wi ndows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 or Mac OS 9.2.2 and Mac OS X 10.2 or later
• USB cable (commercially available product)
• This mon itor may not work depending on PC, OS or peripher al devices to be used. For USB compatibility of per ipheral
devices, contact their manufact urers.
• When the mon itor is in power saving mode, devices con nected to the USB downstream por t will still work. Therefore,
power consumption of the monitor varies with c onnected devices even in the power savi ng mode.