Signalcable PP2000
CleaningKit EIZO“ScreenCleaner”
For the latest information about the acces sories, refer to our web site.
6-6. Preset Timing
The following table shows factory preset analog signal timing.
• Display position may be dev iated depending on the PC conne cted, which may require scree n adjustment using Setting menu .
• If a signal othe r than those listed in the table is i nput, adjust the screen using the Se tting menu. However, screen display may
still be incorrect even afte r the adjustment.
• When int erlace signals are used, the sc reen cannot be displayed correc tly even after screen adjustment u sing the Setting
Resolution Applicable
Frequency Polarity
Dot Clock:
kHz Vertical: Hz Horizontal Vertical
640×400 PC-9801 21.05 24.83 56.42 Negative Negative
640×400 PC-9821AP2 25.18 31.48 70.10 Negative Negative
640×480 VGA 25.18 31.47 59.94 Negative Negative
640×480 VESA 31.50 37.86 72.81 Negative Negative
640×480 VESA 31.50 37.50 75.00 Negative Negative
640×480 MAC 30.24 35.00 66.67 Negative Negative
720×400 VGATEXT 28.32 31.47 70.09 Negative Positive
800×600 VESA 36. 00 35.16 56.25 Positive Positive
800×600 VESA 40.0 0 37.88 60.32 Positive Positive
800×600 VESA 50.0 0 48.08 72.19 Positive Positive
800×600 VESA 49. 50 46.88 75.00 Positive Positive
832×624 MAC 57.28 49.72 74.55 Negative Negative
1024×768 VESA 65.00 48.36 6 0.00 Negative Negative
1024×768 VESA 75.00 56.48 70.07 Negative Negative
1024×768 VESA 78.75 60.02 75.03 Positive Positive
1152×864 VESA 108.0 0 67.50 75.00 Positi ve Positive
1152×870 MAC 100.00 68.68 75.06 Negative Negative
1280×960 VESA 108.00 60.00 60.00 Positive Positive
1280×960 MAC 126.20 74.76 74.76 Positive Positive
1280×1024 VESA 108.00 63.98 60.02 Positive Positive
1280×1024 VESA 135.00 79.98 75.03 Positive Positive
1600×1200 VESA 162.00 75.00 60.00 Positive Positive