To pressure test connect the pressure gauge to the main oven injector
1Check the supply pressure by turning the grill on and oven thermostat to Mark 9. Then turn on the electricity supply. Allow the grill burner to light.
The pressure should be: Natural Gas 20mbar
L.P.G. Gas The pressure must be set to 28mbar for use on butane or 37mbar for use on propane.
2Turn off the electricity supply and the thermostat; disconnect the pressure gauge.
1Place the grill pan containing the grid under the grill burner.
2With the grill door open, turn on the grill tap, check that there is a spark from the ignition system. This should continue until the burner is alight.
3There is a safety switch which shuts off the gas supply to the grill burner when the door is closed. Check that it is operational by slowly closing the grill door, the gas supply should be shut off to the burner before the grill door is fully closed.
1Set the clock as described on page 10, the clock is now ready for manual operation.
2Turn the main thermostat knob to Mk. 9 and check that there is sparking from the ignition system. This should continue until the oven burner is alight.
3When the oven burner lights up the sparking should cease, there should be a low gas rate at first to the oven burner which is the flame supervision device (F.S.D.) by pass rate.
4When the F.S.D. phial has heated up it opens the F.S.D. valve and the main gas stream flows to the burner.
5Set the oven thermostat to Mk. 2, close the oven door and check that after 10 minutes the flame size has reduced.
6Turn off the thermostat and check that the oven flames go out.