English - 31 -
Main Menu
Channel List
TV Setup
Common Interface
You arerequired to subscribe to a pay channel
company to view the pay channels of the digital
terrestrial broadcasting.
Obtain the Conditional Access Modu le (CAM)
and the viewing card by subscribi ng to a pay
channel company, then in sert them in the TV
using the following procedure.
Please note that you must be able to receive
Channel 5 in order to use the CI Slot with a
• Switch off the TV and unplug from the mains.
• Insert the CAM, then viewing card to the slot
that is located in the terminal cover at the
left-hand side of the TV (from front view).
• The CAM should be correctly inserted, it is
impossible to insert fully if revers ed. Th e
CAM or the TV terminal may be damaged if
the CAM is forcefully inserted .
• Connect the TV to the mains supply, switch
on and then wait for few moments until the
card is activated.
• Some CAMs may require the following set
up. Please set the CAM by entering the IDTV
menu, Common Interfac e then pressing the
OK but ton . (CA M set u p men u is n ot
displayed when it is not required.)
• To see the viewing contract information: enter
IDTV; press the M button, the n h ighlight
Common Interface and press the OK button.
• When no module is inserted, “No Common
Interf ace modul e detec ted” me ssage
appears on the screen.
• Refer to the module instruc tion manual for
details of the settings.
NOTE: Insert or remove the CI module only
when the TV is in STAND-BY mode or
ENG-19796W-1050UK-17MB24H-IDTV-(BACK LINE OUT-YPbPr-WO SVHS)-LIPS-50118956.p65 25.04.2008, 10:0631