English - 5 -
Thank yo u f or choo sing th is
product. This manu al will guide
you thro ugh the proper
operat ion of your TV. Befor e
operating the TV, pl ease read this manual
Please keep this manu al in a safe place for
future refere nces.
For ventilation, le ave a free spac e of at leas t
10 cm all around the se t. To prevent any fault
and unsa fe si tuations, please do not place
any objects on top of the set.
Use this de vice in moderate climates.
10 cm
Safety precautions
Please read the following recommended
safety precautions carefully for your safety.

Child safety:

This appliance is de signed to be operated by
adults. Do not allow children to tamper with
the controls.
For your Safety
·All warning on the product and in this manual
must be observed.
·Never attempt to repair the product yourself.
·Take extra ca re not to be distracted by the
television while cook ing o r prep aring food,
particularly when using hot or sharp obje cts.

Power source

The TV set should be operated only from a
220-240 V AC, 50 Hz outlet. Ensure that you
select the corr ect voltage set ting for your

Power cord

Do not place the set, a piece of furniture, etc.
on the power cord (ma ins lead) or pinch the
cord. Handle the power cord by the plug. Do
not pull out the plug by tugging the cord and
never touch the power cord when your hands
are wet as this could caus e a short circuit or
electric shock. Never mak e a knot in the cord
or tie it with other cords. The power cords
should be placed in such a way tha t they are
not likely to be stepped on. A damaged power
cord ca n caus e fire or give you an elect ric
shock. Wh en the power
cord is da mag ed and
needs to be replaced , it
shou ld be done by
qualified personne l.

Moisture and water

Do not use this device in a
ENG-19796W-1050UK-17MB24H-IDTV-(BACK LINE OUT-YPbPr-WO SVHS)-LIPS-50118956.p65 25.04.2008, 10:065