English - 6 -
humid and da mp place (avo id the bath room,
the sink in the kitchen, and near the washing
machine). Do not expose this equipment to
rain or water, as this may be dangerous and
do not place obje cts filled with liquids, such
as flower vases, on top of the set. Avoid from
dripping or spla shing.
If any solid object or liqu id
falls into the cabinet, unplug
the set and have it checked
by qual ifi ed pers onn el
befo re operati ng it any
Before cleaning, unpl ug the adaptor from the
wall out let. Do no t use liq uid or aer osol
cleaners. Use soft and dry cloth.
The slots and openings on the back cover are
intended for ventilation and to
ensure re liable op eration. To
prevent overheating, these
openings must not be blocked
or covered in anyway.
Heat and flames
The set should not be placed near to op en
flames and so urces of inten se heat, such as
an electric heater. Ensure that no open flame
sources, such as lighted candles, are placed
on top of t he set . Batt erie s
shou ld not be exp osed to
exce ssi ve hea t su ch as
sunshine, fire or the like.
In case of st orm and lightning or when going
on holida y, disconnect the power co rd from
the wall outlet.
Replacement parts
When replacement parts are required, make
sure onl y genu ine sp are par ts are
used.Unauthorized substitutions may result in
fire, electrical shock or other hazards.
Please re fer all se rvici ng to
quali fied p erso nnel . Do not
remove the c over yo urself as
this may result in an electr ic
Waste disposal
Instructions for Waste Disposal
• P acka ging a nd pac kagin g
aids are recycl able and shou ld
prin cip ally be rec ycl ed.
Packaging materials , such as
foil bag, must be kept away from
• Batteries, including those which are heavy
metal-free, sh ould not be disposed of with
household waste. Please dispose of use d
battery in an environment fr iendly mann er.
Find out about the le gal regulati ons which
apply in your area.
• C old cat hode flu ores cent la mp in LCD
PANEL contains a small amount of mercury;
please foll ow the local laws or regulatio ns
for disp osal.
Information for users in EuropeanUnion countries
This symbol on the product or on its packaging
means tha t yo ur electr ical and ele ctroni c
device should be disposed at the end of its
service life sepa rately from your househ old
wast es. There ar e se par ate collect ion
systems for recycl ing in EU.
For more information, please contact the local
authority or the dealer wher e you purc hased
the product.
ENG-19796W-1050UK-17MB24H-IDTV-(BACK LINE OUT-YPbPr-WO SVHS)-LIPS-50118956.p65 25.04.2008, 10:066