English - 13 -
Connecting the LCD TV to a PC
For displaying your computer’s screen image on your LCD TV, you can connect your computer
to the TV set.
• Power off both computer and di splay before maki ng any connectio ns.
• Use 15-pin D-sub display cable to co nnect a PC to the LCD TV.
• When done, switch to PC source. See, “Input selec tion” section.
• Set the res olution that su its your viewing requirements.
PC audio cable
(not supplied)
to component
audio input
PC RGB cable
(not supplied)
to PC RGB output
ENG-19796W-1050UK-17MB24H-IDTV-(BACK LINE OUT-YPbPr-WO SVHS)-LIPS-50118956.p65 25.04.2008, 10:0613