English - 21 -
Now: 50/50
Next: Ace Lighting
Signal Level:
09:25 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:25
• The informa tion banner gives information
on the cha nne l selec ted and the
programmes on it. The name o f the channel
is displ ayed, al ong with it s chann el list
number and an indication of the strength of
the signal received.
Hint : N ot all cha nnel s broa dca st the
programme data. If the name and t ime
of the progra mme a re not avai lable,
then “No Information Availablewill be
displayed in the info rmation banner.
• Icons are also displayed in the informa tion
banner and if this chan nel is a fav ourite
channel, fa vourite ch annel icon “ ” will
also be displayed.
If the selected channel is locked, you must
enter the correct four numeric co de to view
the ch ann el. “ Ente r Loc k Key ” will be
displayed on the screen in such a case:
Enter Lock Key
Electronic programme guide (EPG)
• Some, but not all, channels send information
about the current and next even ts.
• Please note that event information is updated
automatically. If there is no event information
data availab le i n c hannels, onl y ch annel
names with “No Informa tion Availabl e”
banner is displayed.
• Press GUIDE button to view the EPG menu.
• In EPG menu, you can easily see the extended
help information by pressing button.
• Press this button again to close this window.
• In the EPG menu, all channels are displayed.
Current channel is highlighted. Use or
buttons t o c hange cha nnels. Also pr ess
GREEN/RED buttons to scroll up/down the
pages for the channels.
• If you h ighl ight a n even t; sho rt eve nt
description, extended event description, start
and end times of the eve nt will be displayed
on the screen.
• When the current programme is hi ghlighted,
the box is switched to the highlighted channel
by pressing the OK button.
• If you press the OK button when a next event
is highli ghted , a re minder is se t f or the
highlighted programme and a clo ck appears
across the highlighted channel line.
Programme reminders can be se t to signal
that a programme is about to start when you
are watchi ng anoth er channe l. If you set
reminder for a programme, then you will be
asked for switching to that chan nel when the
reminder time is rea ched.
• Press the M button to view the 7 day EPG.
• Press or button to navigate in Channel s
or Prog rammes.
• Press or button to navigate through the
channel and programme list.
Chuckle Vision 13:00-14:00
30. CBBC Channel 13:00 Chuckle Vision (Now)
40. BBC NEWS 24 14:00 Tracy Beaker
41. ITV News 14:55 Newsround
50. Four Text
800. BLUE/LEFT 1k...
801. CCIR17/1kHz...
ELECTRONIC PROGRAMME GUIDE(7 Day) Saturday 21/8 13:49
Channels Programmes on Saturday 21/8, 13:00 - 15:00
Triple bill. In the Ring/Romany Days/On the Radio: Paul and Barry
grapple with the world of wrestling; hunt for a mysterious Emperor's
underpants; and record their first pop song.
Change Time
• With RED/GREEN buttons, y ou can change
the sche dule ti me. By pressing YELLOW/
BLUE y ou ca n adv ance the s ched ule
backward/forward of a day.
ENG-19796W-1050UK-17MB24H-IDTV-(BACK LINE OUT-YPbPr-WO SVHS)-LIPS-50118956.p65 25.04.2008, 10:0621