English - 30 -
• The start time, end time and date are each
set with the numeric butto ns on the remote
control in 24-hour format.
• The frequency mode determines how often
the receiver operates this event and is set
with the or button to be either Once,
Daily, or Weekly.
If an invalid number for the start or end times
or the date is entered, “Entered time is not
vali d” me ssa ge ap pea rs on the m enu
If timer action occurs while th e TV is be ing
watched, the TV swit ches to the selec ted
channel. When timer expires, the TV switches
back to the channel which it is switched from.


Some prog rammes are broa dcast in two or
more lang uag es si mult ane ousl y. The
language thus c an be selected from the
Language menu.
• Press the M button to display the main menu
and use or but ton to high light th e
Language line an d press the OK button:
Main Menu
Channel List
TV Setup
Common Interface
• Us e t he or butto n t o h ighlig ht the
soundtrack language required and press the
OK button. Normal viewing, with the required
language soundtrack, can be resumed by
pressing the M button.


TV setup

You c an use thi s item to d ispla y t he TV
The d igi tal TV S etu p me nu s cre en i s
accessed from the main menu. Press the M
button to display the main me nu and use
or button to highlight “TV Setup”, press the
OK button to display TV Set up menu screen.

Main Menu

Channel List
TV Setup
Common Interface
You can find detailed information fo r all menu
items in “Analogue TV Menu System” section.

Common Interface

• Press the M button to display the main menu
and use the or button to highlight the
“Common Interface” line and press the OK
ENG-19796W-1050UK-17MB24H-IDTV-(BACK LINE OUT-YPbPr-WO SVHS)-LIPS-50118956.p65 25.04.2008, 10:0630