￿￿Turn the steam knob anti- clockwise (B-18)

￿￿Wait until the liquid becomes warm.

￿￿Close the steam knob (B-18)

￿￿Attention: never make coffee when the steam is ready to come out, if this is the case, reset the water level in the boiler as explained in the next point.

￿￿Attention: after every steam emission push the hot water

button (B-22) without opening the steam knob (B-

18)(in this way the water level in the boiler will be reset).



￿￿Press the steam button once (I/1); both the steam indicator (B- 29), and the water temperature indicator will be ON (B-26).

￿￿Wait until both of them go out (I/2). Push the steam button again in order to stop producing steam (B-23).

￿￿To check if the steam has been produced push the steam button again (I/3); if the water temperature indicator (B-26) remains out it means that steam is ready to come out.

￿￿Put under the steam pipe (A-2) a container with the milk that has to be warmed.

￿￿Turn the steam knob anti- clockwise (B-18)

￿￿While the steam is coming out move the container up and down, until the milk produces the right foam for your cappuccino.

￿￿Close the steam knob (A-18)

￿￿Attention: never make coffee when the steam is ready to come out, if this is the case, reset the water level in the boiler as explained in the next point.

￿￿Attention: after every steam emission push the hot water

button (B-22) without opening the steam knob (B-

18)(in this way the water level in the boiler will be reset).



This is a normal espresso coffee with steam-heated milk that gives the coffee a milder flavour and a rich, frothy topping. Serve in a large cup.

Pour cold milk into a tall jug and heat it using the steam spout if your machine has one. Add only the froth to the espresso coffee, to do this either tilt the jug slightly rocking it backwards and forwards while you pour or use a spoon to scoop off the froth.

You can also add a dusting of cocoa powder to taste.


This variation is the result of age-old Austrian tradition.

Prepare a 'long' espresso by letting the machine run for longer than usual (30- 35 seconds), add hot milk followed by whipped cream. Serve in a medium- sized cup (midway between and espresso cup and a cappuccino cup).

Decorate with flakes of chocolate.


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Image 17
Electrolux PE 8036-M Recipes, HOW to Prepare Cappuccino Foam, Italian Cappuccino, Viennese Cappuccino