￿￿To obtain an excellent espresso, a clean coffee machine and the right temperature are the most important elements.

￿￿Make sure that filter, filter-holder and ring nut are always clean.

￿￿Except when the machine will not be used for very long periods, it should be kept on with the filter- holder inserted into the ring nut to keep it warm.

￿￿Warm the cups by filling them up with a little bit of water by pushing the coffee button. In that way the water remained in the boiler will come out and the filter- holder will be warmed.

￿￿After having made the last cup of coffee, clean the filter-holder by making a coffee without beans in order to remove all the remains of ground coffee, that can change the taste of the next coffee.

￿￿To obtain an excellent espresso the brewing time should be about 20- 25 seconds. Elements that can influence the brewing time are the grinding level of the coffee, the ground coffee measure and how much the coffee has been pressed. The machine is set to obtain a good-quality coffee. If necessary, the grinding level can be changed as well as the ground coffee measure, (see chapter 4. How to behave during the first process) in order to obtain an excellent espresso.

￿￿Useful advice: coffee is a hygroscopic element that means that its characteristics are strictly connected with the weather (humidity). Remember that the


coffee should be ground coarser if there is a great quantity of humidity in the air or it will become thick and will come out with difficulty; with a dry climate on the contrary, the coffee should be ground finer.


￿￿Put a container under the steam pipe (A-2).

￿￿Turn the steam knob anti- clockwise (B-18).

￿￿Push the hot water button (B-22) and the amount of water dispensed will be the same as previously programmed.

￿￿Close the steam knob (B-18)



￿￿Press the steam button once (I/1); both the steam indicator

(B-29), and the water temperature indicator will be ON (B-26).

￿￿Wait until both of them go out (I/2). Push the steam button again in order to stop producing steam (B-23).

￿￿To check if the steam has been produced push again the steam button (I/3); if the water temperature indicator l (B-26) remains out it means that steam is ready to come out.

￿￿Put under the steam pipe (A-2) a container with the liquid that has to be warmed.

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Electrolux PE 8036-M installation instructions HOT Water, Steam, HOW to Prepare AN Excellent Espresso, Heating Liquids