11-2382IP-TR 9/15/06 12:19 PM Page 109


1.Hafýza kartýný takarken USB-Hafýza kartý takýldýðýnda cihazýn içindekiler gösterilir.

2.PLAY/PAUSE tuþuna basýnýz. 01 yazýsý ekrana yansýr ve çalma baþlar. Pause’ ye geçiþ ve geri gitmek. Pause modunda gösterge yanýp söner.

3.STOP tuþuna bastýðýnýzda, içindeki dosyalar gösterilir.

Kart yuvasý ve USB-Giriþi


Radyoyu lütfen altta belirtildiði gibi kullanýnýz.

1.STANDBY tuþuna basarak cihazý açýnýz.

2.‘FUNCTION’ tuþuna basarak TUNER modunu seçiniz.

3.TUNER/BAND tuþuna basýnýz ve frekans bandýný (FM veya MW) seçiniz.

4.SKIP/TUNNING veya SKIP/TUNING tuþlarý ile istediðiniz radyo istasyonunu ayarlayýnýz.

5.Ses seviyesini vol+ ve vol- tuþlarý ile ayarlayýnýz.


RDS-gösterge bilgileri deðiþtirmek: FREQUENCY>PS>PTY>RT>

1.RANDOM/RDS tuþuna bir kere basýnýz ve PS bilgisini görüntüleyiniz. Ardýndan RDS-Göstergesi yanar ve istasyonun ismi gösterilir. NO PS yazýsý RDS-sinyali yayýnlanmadýðýnda, ekrana yansýr.

2.Ýki kere RANDOM/RDS tuþuna basýnýz ve PTY ekrana yansýr. RDS göstergesi yanar ve program tipi gösterilir. RDS sinyali gönderilmediði takdirde NO PTY ekrana yansýr.

3.RDS MODE tuþuna üç kere basýnýz ve RT gösteriniz. Ardýndan RDS göstergesi yanar ve istasyonun gönderdiði metin haberi ekrana yansýr. RTS sinyali gönderilmediðinde NO RT gösterilir.

Ýstediðiniz program tipi istasyonunu aramak:

1.RDS SEARCH tuþuna basýnýz ve PTY SEL gösterilir.

2.SKIP/TUNNING veya SKIP/TUNNING tuþuna bastýðýnýzda gösterge altta belirtilmiþ olan kategorileri sýraya göre gösterir: NEWS [Haberler] > AFFAIRS [Politika] > INFO [Bilgiler] > SPORT [Spor] > EDUCATE [Eðitim] > DRAMA [Hikaye]> CULTURE [Kültür] >SCIENCE [Bilim] > VARIED [Deðiþik] > POP M [Pop müziði] > ROCK M [Rock müziði] > M O R M [Genel]

>LIGHT M [Hafif müzik] > CLASSICS [Klasik] > OTHER M [baþka Müzik] > WEATHER [Hava] > FINANCE [Finans] > CHILDREN [Çocuk yayýnlarý] > SOCIAL A [Toplum] > RELIGION [Din] > PHONE IN [Seyircinin katýlabileceði yayýnlar] > TRAVEL [Seyahat] > LEISURE [Dinlenme] > JAZZ [Caz] > COUNTRY [Country] > NATIONAL [milli müzik] > OLDIES [Eskiler]

>FOLK M [Halk Müziði] > DOCUMENT [Dokümantasyonlar] > NEWS [Haberler]

3.Arama esnasýnda RDS SEARCH tuþuna 10 saniye arasýnda tekrardan basýnýz. ‘SEARCH’ yazýsý ve seçilmiþ olan PTY- Kodu ekrana yansýr. Cihaz 30 tane önden ayarlanmýþ istasyonlar arasýndan, ayarladýðýnýz kategorinin olup olmadýðýný araþtýrýr ve p istasyona gider. Program bulunamadýðý takdirde göstergede: ‘NOT FOUND’ yazýsý gözükür.


FM- yayýný dinlerken cihazýn arkasýnda bulunan FM antenini tam olarak çýkarmanýz önerilir. MW – radyo yayýný dinlemek istiyorsanýz, cihazý ona göre çevirmeniz önerilir.


Page 109
Image 109
Elta 2382IP 109, KART/ USB BAZ Ýþlemlerý, RDS-TABAN Ayarlar, Folk M Halk Müziði Document Dokümantasyonlar News Haberler

2382IP specifications

The Elta 2382IP is a state-of-the-art integrated portable radar system, engineered for advanced applications in surveillance and reconnaissance. Renowned for its exceptional capabilities, the Elta 2382IP stands out in the field of electronic detection and tracking. Its design is a testament to modern engineering, combining portability with high-performance features suited for both military and civil operations.

One of the main features of the Elta 2382IP is its ability to function in various operational environments. This radar system is equipped with an advanced signal processing unit that enhances target detection and tracking accuracy, even in cluttered or complex terrains. The radar operates within a frequency band specifically tailored for the detection of both aerial and ground-based threats, making it a versatile tool for diverse applications.

The Elta 2382IP utilizes advanced technologies such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and ground moving target indication (GMTI). These technologies enable it to produce high-resolution images of static and moving targets, providing real-time situational awareness to operators. The combination of SAR and GMTI ensures that the system can track and identify multiple targets simultaneously while maintaining high fidelity in the data it collects.

Another significant characteristic of the Elta 2382IP is its mobility. Weighing significantly less than conventional radar systems, it can be easily transported and deployed in remote or underdeveloped regions. This portable aspect does not compromise its performance, as the system is engineered for rapid deployment, allowing operators to set up in a matter of minutes.

The Elta 2382IP's user-friendly interface simplifies operational management, allowing personnel to easily interpret data and make swift decisions. Integrated with modern communication technologies, the system can share real-time intelligence with command units or other platforms effectively and securely.

Furthermore, the Elta 2382IP is designed with robustness in mind, featuring protective housing that ensures functionality in adverse weather conditions. Its durability, combined with cutting-edge technology, establishes the Elta 2382IP as a reliable choice for those needing advanced radar capabilities.

In summary, the Elta 2382IP encapsulates modern radar technology, offering portability, high performance, and versatility. Its features make it an indispensable asset in various operations, contributing significantly to safety and security objectives.