11-2382IP-TR 9/15/06 12:19 PM Page 108


[ID3/FIND/ST/ESP],tuþuna bir kere basýnýz ve veri arama moduna geçiniz.

SKIP/TUNNIG veya SKIP/TUNNIG tuþlarýna basarak, istediðiniz dosyayý seçiniz.

[ID3/FIND/ST/ESP],tuþuna iki kere basarak albüm arama moduna geçiniz.

SKIP/TUNNING veya SKIP/TUNNING tuþlarýna albüm ismi gösteriliðinde basýnýz.

PLAY tuþuna basarak parçayý çalýnýz.

[ID3/FIND/ST/ESP], tuþuna 3-5 saniye süre ile basýnýz ve ID3-TAG [Tanýtým bilgisi] gösterilir.

[ID3/FIND/ST/ESP], tuþuna tekrar 3–5 saniye süre için basýnýz ve çalma süresi tekrardan gösterilir.


• [ID3/FIND/ST/ESP], tuþuna basarak Stereo ve Mono modlarýný seçiniz.


EQ ön ayarlanmýþ Ses tonunu gösterir.

EQ tuþuna bastýðýnýzsa ses tonu deðiþir: PASS >CLASSIC >ROCK > POP >JAZZ >


Sesi tamamen kýsma.


Ses seviyesini arttýrma.

Ses seviyesini azaltma.


1.Herhangi bir mod’da [TIMER] tuþuna 3–5 saniye basýldýðýnda, saat hanesi yanýp sönmeye baþlar.

2.SKIP/TUNING veya SKIP/TUNING tuþlarý ile doðru zamaný ayarlayýnýz.

3.[TIMER] tuþuna tekrar basýnýz ve dakika ayarýný ayarlayýnýz ve saatin üçüncü ve dördüncü haneleri yanýp sönmeye baþlar.

4.SKIP/TUNNIG veya SKIP/TUNNIG tuþlarýna basarak doðru dakika hanesini ayarlayýnýz. [TIMER] tuþuna basýnýz ve saati hafýzaya alýnýz.

5.[TIMER] tuþuna tekrar basýnýz ve ekrana TIMER OFF [SAAT KAPALI] yazýsý çýkar. [TIMER] tuþuna tekrar basarsanýz saat hanesi yanýp sönmeye baþlar.

6.SKIP/TUNNIG veya SKIP/TUNNIG tuþlarý ile doðru saat ayarýný yapabilirsiniz.

7.[TIMER] tuþuna tekrar basarak dakika hanesini seçiniz. Saat ayarýnýn 3. ve 4. haneleri yanýp sönmeye baþlar.

8.SKIP/TUNNING veya SKIP/TUNNING tuþlarýna basarak doðru dakika hanesini ayarlayýnýz. [TIMER] tuþuna basarak doðru dakika ayarýný hafýzaya alýnýz.

9.Tekrar [TIMER] tuþuna basarak iþlem seçimini seçiniz. Ýþlem yanýp söner.

10.SKIP/TUNNING veya SKIP/TUNNING tuþlarýna basarak istenilen istasyonu ayarlayýnýz.

11.[TIMER] tuþuna tekrar basarak ses ayarýna giriniz. Ses seviye ayarý yanýp sönmeye baþlar.

12.SKIP/TUNNIG veya SKIP/TUNNIG tuþlarýna basarak istediðiniz seviyeye getiriniz.

13.[TIMER] tuþuna tekrar basarak, cihazý tekrar normal moda getiriniz. Ekranda amblem gözükür ￿.


Bu tuþa basarak uyku iþlemini aktif hale getiriniz. Uyku zaman ayarýný deðiþtiriniz ve uyku iþlemini kapatýnýz. Gösterge 90>80>70>-->10 OFF’ deðiþir. Uyku tuþu aktif hale getirildiðinde sistem sýfýra kadar geri sayar. Ardýndan sistem otomatik olarak kapanýr.


Page 108
Image 108
Elta 2382IP manual 108

2382IP specifications

The Elta 2382IP is a state-of-the-art integrated portable radar system, engineered for advanced applications in surveillance and reconnaissance. Renowned for its exceptional capabilities, the Elta 2382IP stands out in the field of electronic detection and tracking. Its design is a testament to modern engineering, combining portability with high-performance features suited for both military and civil operations.

One of the main features of the Elta 2382IP is its ability to function in various operational environments. This radar system is equipped with an advanced signal processing unit that enhances target detection and tracking accuracy, even in cluttered or complex terrains. The radar operates within a frequency band specifically tailored for the detection of both aerial and ground-based threats, making it a versatile tool for diverse applications.

The Elta 2382IP utilizes advanced technologies such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and ground moving target indication (GMTI). These technologies enable it to produce high-resolution images of static and moving targets, providing real-time situational awareness to operators. The combination of SAR and GMTI ensures that the system can track and identify multiple targets simultaneously while maintaining high fidelity in the data it collects.

Another significant characteristic of the Elta 2382IP is its mobility. Weighing significantly less than conventional radar systems, it can be easily transported and deployed in remote or underdeveloped regions. This portable aspect does not compromise its performance, as the system is engineered for rapid deployment, allowing operators to set up in a matter of minutes.

The Elta 2382IP's user-friendly interface simplifies operational management, allowing personnel to easily interpret data and make swift decisions. Integrated with modern communication technologies, the system can share real-time intelligence with command units or other platforms effectively and securely.

Furthermore, the Elta 2382IP is designed with robustness in mind, featuring protective housing that ensures functionality in adverse weather conditions. Its durability, combined with cutting-edge technology, establishes the Elta 2382IP as a reliable choice for those needing advanced radar capabilities.

In summary, the Elta 2382IP encapsulates modern radar technology, offering portability, high performance, and versatility. Its features make it an indispensable asset in various operations, contributing significantly to safety and security objectives.