System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis 4620) User’s Guide (6806800D85A)
Example Applications List of Supported Example Applications
-A display everything
-t display RDR with the event log
-p display RPT with the event log
-x display debug messages
-V print version information and exit
-h display this help and exit
# hpidomainself
Usage: hpidomainself [OPTION]...
HPI example application to print the domain ID where this program is running on.
Note: Requires multishelf library.
-V print version information and exit
-h display this help and exit
# hpifailedextract
Usage: hpifailedextract [OPTION]...
HPI example to remove a failed resource using the failed extract control.
-d DOMAIN_ID use domain with id DOMAIN_ID
-r RESOURCE_ID use resource with id RESOURCE_ID to extract
-a display all resources (default: list only failed resources)
-V print version information and exit
-h display this help and exit
# hpifan
Usage: hpifan [OPTION]...
HPI example application to control the cooling mode.
Note: Only applicable if the HPI daemon runs in Shelf Manager mode.
-d DOMAIN_ID use domain with id DOMAIN_ID
-D walk recursivly through DRT
-r RESOURCE_ID use resource with id RESOURCE_ID
-s level set cooling level (only in MANUAL mode)
-V print version information and exit
-h display this help and exit
# hpifruactivation
Usage: hpifruactivation [OPTION]...
HPI example application to manage the FRU activation mode.
-d DOMAIN_ID use domain with id DOMAIN_ID
-D walk recursivly through DRT