Using the emlxadm Utility
The emlxadm utility is intended to be a direct user interface to the Fibre Channel input/output (FCIO) interface provided by the Sun StorEdge SFS. The FCIO interface provides a Sun common ioctl interface to the FCTL, which manages the FCA drivers for each Fibre Channel HBA attached to the host system.
Modes of Operation (emlxadm)
The emlxadm utility program can be run in two modes:
•Command line interface (CLI)
Interactive Mode (emlxadm)
The emlxadm utility program can be run in an interactive command mode by typing the name of the program without any command line arguments:
# emlxadm
After it is started, the emlxadm program scans the host system and prepares a list of qualified HBA ports to choose from. Qualified HBA ports are devices that attach to the SUN StorEdge SFS through the FP driver. After the list is prepared, the utility displays the following:
EMLXADM Device Management Utility, Version 1.00q
Available HBA's:
1./devices/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,qlc@3/fp@0,0:devctl (CONNECTED)
2./devices/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,qlc@3,1/fp@0,0:devctl (NOT CONNECTED)
3./devices/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,emlxs@2/fp@0,0:devctl (CONNECTED)
4./devices/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,emlxs@2,1/fp@0,0:devctl (NOT CONNECTED)
Enter an HBA number or zero to exit:
You must choose from one of the available HBAs in the list by entering the appropriate number. In this example, if you enter 2, the utility displays the HBA device name selected and presents a list of command options:
HBA: /devices/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,emlxs@2/fp@0,0:devctl
Available commands:
get_num_devs - Returns the number of FC devices seen by this HBA. get_dev_list - Returns a list of FC devices seen by this HBA. get_logi_params <wwpn> - Returns the login paramters for a specified FC device. get_host_params - Return the host parameters.
get_sym_pname - Returns the symbolic port name of a device.
set_sym_pname <string> - Sets the symbolic port name for a device. get_sym_nname - Returns the symbolic node name of a device. set_sym_nname <string> - Sets the symbolic node name for a device. dev_login <wwpn> - Performs an FC login to a device.
dev_logout <wwpn> - Performs an FC logout to a device.
get_state <wwpn> - Returns current Leadville state of a specified device. dev_remove <wwpn> - Remove the FC device from Leadville management. link_status <d_id> - Request link error status from a specified D_ID. get_fcode_rev - Returns the current Fcode revison of the HBA. download_fcode [filename] - Download the HBA fcode.
get_fw_rev - Returns the current firmware revison of the HBA. download_fw [filename] - Download the HBA firmware. get_boot_rev - Returns the current boot revison of the HBA. download_boot [filename] - Download the HBA boot image. get_dump_size - Returns the HBA's firmware core dump size. force_dump - Force a firmware core dump on this HBA. get_dump
FCA Utilities Reference Manual | Page 7 |