Fabric Name | = 0000000000000000 |
get_path <index>
Displays the current Solaris device path for a specified HBA port. The total number of ports available can be seen in the "Number of HBA ports" attribute displayed using the get_host_attrs command. The <index> argument is an index into this list.
emlxadm> get_path 0
Adapter: /pci@1e,600000/SUNW,emlxs@2/fp@0,0
emlxadm> get_path 1
Adapter: /pci@1e,600000/SUNW,emlxs@2,1/fp@0,0
Exits the utility program.
emlxadm> q
Displays a help menu of utility commands.
emlxadm> h
Available commands:
get_num_devs - Returns the number of FC devices seen by this HBA. get_dev_list - Returns a list of FC devices seen by this HBA. get_logi_params <wwpn> - Returns the login paramters for a specified FC device. get_host_params - Return the host parameters.
get_sym_pname - Returns the symbolic port name of a device.
set_sym_pname <string> - Sets the symbolic port name for a device. get_sym_nname - Returns the symbolic node name of a device. set_sym_nname <string> - Sets the symbolic node name for a device. dev_login <wwpn> - Performs an FC login to a device.
dev_logout <wwpn> - Performs an FC logout to a device.
get_state <wwpn> - Returns current Leadville state of a specified device. dev_remove <wwpn> - Remove the FC device from Leadville management. link_status <d_id> - Request link error status from a specified D_ID. get_fcode_rev - Returns the current Fcode revison of the HBA. download_fcode [filename] - Download the HBA fcode.
get_fw_rev - Returns the current firmware revison of the HBA. download_fw [filename] - Download the HBA firmware. get_boot_rev - Returns the current boot revison of the HBA. download_boot [filename] - Download the HBA boot image. get_dump_size - Returns the HBA's firmware core dump size. force_dump - Force a firmware core dump on this HBA. get_dump
reset_hard_core - Reset the HBA firmware core.
diag <test> - Perform a diagnostic test on the HBA.
ns - Performs a complete query of the fabric name server.
parm_get_num - Returns the total number of configurable parameters. parm_get_list - Returns a list of configurable parameters.
parm_get <label> - Gets the value of a specified parameter in the driver.
FCA Utilities Reference Manual | Page 24 |