11b/g Wireless Long Range | Version 1.2 | – PPPoE
The WAN interface can be configured as PPPoE. This type of connection is usually used for a DSL service and requires a username and password to connect.
Internet Connection Type: Select PPPoE from the
MTU: The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is a parameter that determines the largest packet size (in bytes) that the router will send to the WAN. If LAN devices send larger packets, the router will break them into smaller packets. Ideally, you should set this to match the MTU of the connection to your ISP. Typical values are 1500 bytes for an Ethernet connection and 1492 bytes for a PPPoE connection. If the router's MTU is set too high, packets will be fragmented downstream. If the router's MTU is set too low, the router will fragment packets unnecessarily and in extreme cases may be unable to establish some connections. In either case, network performance can suffer.
Login: Specify the user name which is provided by your ISP.
Password: Specify the password which is provided by your ISP, and then verify it once again in the next field.
Service Name: Specify the name of the ISP.
Type: Select a reconnection type: Keep Alive (A connection to the Internet is
always maintained), Connect on Demand: You have to open up the